
Design Competition Launch Announcement

The Springdale Veterans Memorial Organization (SVMO) is excited to announce an open design competition to establish a veterans memorial in Springdale, Arkansas on the grounds of the current JB Hunt Park, recognizing and honoring the sacrifices of those who have served our great nation. The competition is open to amateur and professional designers, established and emerging designers. College or high school students studying architecture, art, design or similar career interest, are also encouraged to enter.  The competition announcement phase will last through 31 December allowing entrants the ability to register, review the design factors and criteria and ask any clarifying questions. The deadline to register is 31 December. The design phase will commence 1 January and conclude with the submission of all entries no later than 12PM 31 March 2020. A jury with members who include the Dean of the School of Architecture at the University of Arkansas, the designer of the National WWI Memorial in Washington D.C., The President of SVMO, local business owners and veterans will review all submissions. On Wednesday, 6 May the SVMO will announce the winner and runners up during the Springdale Veterans Memorial Unveiling Event at the Springdale Country Club, 6PM. Over $5,000 will be awarded in prizes. A public exhibition of entries will be held at the event.  Registration and more information is now posted and available for download. Questions? Contact us by email

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